「複製人產業有限公司」(特約商店代號: 083100083、86310067;商店對外名稱: Everbrightness Intl. Ltd)非常尊重客戶的隱私權,對於客戶資料的蒐集、處理及利用均遵守中華民國政府之「個人資料保護法」及相關法令規範,您可以參照以下隱私權政策,了解我們的具體措施。
1. 我們會依據公司網站平台提供之服務,請客戶提供必要之作業資料:
· 公司網站平台之會員或客戶,我們會請您提供基本資料:包含您提供之姓名、性別、出生年月日、聯絡電話、聯絡地址、電子郵件信箱、照片及其他您主動提供之資料。
· 當您指定商品配送服務時,我們會請您提供配送資料:包含收件人之姓名、聯絡電話、聯絡地址及其他必要配送聯絡資料。
· 當您有實際消費行為時,我們會留存您的帳務資料。
· 我們基於市場分析、贈獎活動、會員及客戶權益通知、或提供現在或未來公司網站平台衍生之其他服務或附隨以上各樣服務,為必要作業將請您提供其他資料。
2. 依據法務部頒佈之「個人資料保護法之特定目的及個人資料之類別」,本公司蒐集、處理、利用及保有您個人資料之種類列示如下:
· 辨識個人者。(姓名、職稱、住址、工作地址、以前地址、住家電話號碼、行動電話、網路平臺申請之帳號、通訊及戶籍地址、電子郵遞地址及其他任何可辨識資料本人者等。)
· 辨識財務者。(例如:金融機構帳戶之號碼與姓名、信用卡或簽帳卡之號碼、保險單號碼、個人之其他號碼或帳戶等。)
· 政府資料中之辨識者。(例如:身分證統一編號、護照號碼等。)
· 個人描述。(例如:年齡、性別、出生年月日、出生地、國籍、聲音等。)
· 家庭情形。(例如:結婚有無、配偶或同居人之姓名、前配偶或同居人之姓名、結婚之日期、子女之人數等。)
· 家庭其他成員之細節。(例如:子女、受扶養人、家庭其他成員或親屬、父母等。)
· 住家及設施。(如:住所地址)
· 生活格調。(例如:使用消費品之種類及服務之細節、個人或家庭之消費模式等。)
· 職業。(例如:學校校長、民意代表或其他各種職業等。)
· 收入、所得、資產與投資。
· 約定或契約。(例如:關於交易、商業、法律或其他契約、代理等。)
· 未分類之資料。 (例如:無法歸類之信件、檔案、報告或電子郵件等。)
1. 我們僅會在提供商品銷售、金融交易授權、物流配送、廣告行銷、市場分析、贈獎活動、會員相關權益通知、或其他附隨以上各樣服務及其他公司網站平台未來所有可能衍生之服務時,為作業之必要運用您的個人資料:
· 我們會於提供客戶商品銷售、金融交易授權、物流配送、廣告行銷及會員相關權益通知時,在本公司、所屬子公司、合作之金融機構間、合作廠商等服務提供者間,為作業之必要運用客戶的基本資料、配送資料及帳務資料。
· 我們可能為增進提供客戶消費服務品質,進行市場分析、贈獎活動、會員相關權益通知、提供以上服務附隨而來之作業,在本公司內或所委託之其他公司,運用您同意提供的基本資料、其他資料。
2. 依據法務部頒佈之「個人資料保護法之特定目的及個人資料之類別」,本公司蒐集、處理、利用及保有您個人資料之特定目的列示如下:
· 行銷
· 非公務機關依法定義務所進行個人資料之蒐集處理及利用
· 信用卡、現金卡、轉帳卡或電子票證業務
· 契約、類似契約或其他法律關係事務
· 消費者、客戶管理與服務
· 消費者保護
· 商業與技術資訊
· 採購與供應管理
· 票券業務
· 智慧財產權、光碟管理及其他相關行政
· 傳播行政與管理
· 募款 (包含公益勸募)
· 會計與相關服務
· 經營傳播業務
· 資(通)訊與資料庫管理
· 網路購物及其他電子商務服務
· 廣告或商業行為管理
· 調查、統計與研究分析
· 其他經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務
(一) 我們僅會在本公司社群、網站及我們所委任處理營業相關事務之第三人(例如:金融機構、合作廠商、物流商等服務提供者),依照前述服務目的範圍為作業之必要運用或揭露客戶個人資料。除非另有法令規範,或另行取得您的同意,否則我們不會向前述以外之第三人揭露您的個人資料。
(二) 我們提供資料予其他第三人的情形,除經過客戶本人同意,尚可能有以下情形:
1. 於上開特定目的範圍作業利用之必要。
2. 合於個人資料保護法第20條但書規定為特定目的外之利用。
3. 基於法律之規定或受司法機關與其他有權機關基於法定程序之要求。
4. 在緊急情況下為維護其他會員或第三人之合法權益。
5. 為維護會員服務系統的正常運作。
6. 會員透過本服務購物、兌換贈品、參加抽獎活動等因而產生的金/物流、售後服務之必要資訊。
1. 我們採用最佳的科技來保障您的個人資料安全。目前以 Secure Sockets Layer(SSL) 機制(128bit)進行資料傳輸加密,並以加裝防火牆防止不法入侵 ,避免您的個人資料遭到非法存取。
2. 此外,為了提供更適合您需要的服務,我們會使用Cookie的技術,接收並且記錄您瀏覽器上的伺服器數值,包括IP Address、Cookies,以進行提供與產品更新及網路服務優化有關的工作時使用。
1. 依個人資料保護法第 3 條規定,除非有其他法令限制,您就您所提供之個人資料享有查詢或請求閱覽、請求製給複製本、請求補充或更正、請求停止蒐集處理或利用、請求刪除的權利。
2. 如果您欲行使上述權利或是有其他諮詢事項,可以至公司網站「會員專區my account」中完成相關操作,或逕由客服 service@everbrightness.com 提出意見,我們將盡快回覆您的問題
1. 為確保完成所有的交易程序,您必須保證在本公司網站登記的個人資料與事實相符,如有變動,應即時通知網站服務 service@everbrightness.com 修正或是自行至會員專區(My account)介面修改。
2. 您所登錄之個人資料,除了應提供廠商相關送貨與結帳資訊,本公司應負相關之保密義務,不會任意洩漏貨提供給第三人。
3. 您應妥善保管在本公司網站登記之帳號與密碼,所有使用該帳號登入系統之任何行為,本公司皆視為帳號與密碼持有人之行為。
4. 在下列情況下,本公司有權查看或提供使用者的個人資料給有權機關、或主張其權利受侵害並提出適當證明之第三人:
5. 相關商品或服務之品質、保固及售後服務,由提供各該商品或服務的廠商負責,但本公司承諾全力協助使用者解決關於因為線上消費所產生之疑問或爭議。
6. 使用者一旦在本站進行線上消費,即表示願意購買該商品或服務並願遵守交易規則。使用者資料 ( 如地址、電話 ) 如有變更時,應立即上線修正其所留存之資料,且不得以資料不符為理由,否認其訂購行為或拒絕付款。 本公司並保有接受您訂單與否的權利。
7. 所有在本公司網站所進行的線上消費,使用者應同意以本公司網站所紀錄之電子交易資料為準,如有糾紛,並以該電子交易資料為認定標準。使用者如果發現交易資料不正確,應立即通知本公司 service@everbrightness.com。
8. 本公司網站在發生下列情形之一時,可以停止、中斷提供服務;停止或中斷服務時,原則上本站將先通知會員,惟緊急時刻不在此限:
(2)發生突發性的電子通信設備故障; 由於本公司網站所申請的電子通信服務被停止,致使提供服務發生困難;由於天災等不可抗力之因素,致使本公司網站無法提供服務。
9. 本公司網站保留隨時修改本使用條款之權利,修改後的使用條款將公佈在本網站上,不另外個別通知使用者。使用者應同意遵守修改後之約定條款。
10. 使用者應同意,本約定條款及所有在本公司網站所進行的線上消費或交易,均以中華民國法令為準據法。因本約定條款所發生之糾紛,以台灣士林地方法院為第一審管轄。
防詐騙宣導提醒您,本公司絕對不會主動去電給消費者,要求解除您VIP會員身份或是訂單訂太多數量成為批發商需要取消,不然就會扣您的款項,進而請您去ATM、網銀、APP操作解除任何設定,接到類似電話請勿理會。如有疑慮請聯繫 service@everbrightness.com。
(1) 現貨於付款完成後,國內預計3天、國外預計5天(不含假日)出貨,出貨將發送簡訊或email通知。
(2) 預購品在確認出貨時,以Line簡訊或email通知,敬請耐心等候!
(3) 運費計算 本網站提供郵局配送服務,因此以郵局網站所載計算(中華郵政全球資訊網-郵務業務 – 國內包裹資費表 (post.gov.tw))
(4) 實體店面:台北市士林區安平街5巷3號
(a) 請以email方式寫信至service@everbrightness.com, 24小時內回覆
加入本公司Line群組(ID: @862lodxv),8小時內回覆。
(b) 聯繫電話:0970-342912 (12pm-6pm Monday-Friday)
(1) 七天猶豫期
* 依消費者保護法規定,本公司網站將提供您享有實際商品到貨7天猶豫期(注意!猶豫期非試用期!)退、換貨之權益,且無須額外負擔退、換貨運費。
* 為保障消費者權益及基於個人衛生考量,商品如沾染彩妝、香水味或汙漬、配件不全、自行修改、已使用、洗滌過,則恕無法接受退貨。
* 線頭、輕微脫線、極小汙點、尺寸2~3cm誤差、螢幕色差,在國際驗貨標準皆屬可接受的範圍,故非瑕疵。
* 為節省您的等候時間,全面採用只退不換的方式。
* 退回商品時請以本公司寄送商品時所使用的外包材原封包裝,切勿任由宅配單等直接黏貼或書寫文字在原廠外盒上,原廠外盒及原廠包裝都屬商品的一部分,若有遺失、毀損或缺件可能影響您退貨權益。
(2) 退款方式及退款時間
A. ATM付款
B. PayPal
● 若因個人因素導致退匯不成功,再次退款將收30元退匯費(直接於退款金額中直接扣除)
● 若訂購時非用真名訂購,請下載訂購人姓名非本名切結書,並按照檔案內方式將切結書寄回,退款成功將發送email通知。
*點擊進入會員專區(My account)
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refer to Disclaimer- – – – –
Privacy Policy
“Everbrightness Intl. Ltd.” (store NO. 083100083、86310067)
highly respects the privacy of our
customers and complies with the “Personal Data Protection Act” and
related regulations of the Republic of China (Taiwan) regarding the collection,
processing, and utilization of customer data. Please refer to the following
privacy policy to understand our specific measures.
I. Methods of Collecting Customer Data
We collect customer’s personal data
from registered members or customers who use our company’s website platform and
other possible future channels that integrate our provided payment, logistics,
and information flow services. We may also obtain customer data legally from
marketing or cross-industry alliance activities (including but not limited to
obtaining data from business partners).
II. Types of Customer Data Collected
Depending on the services provided by
our company’s website platform, customers may be required to provide necessary
operational data:
For members or customers on the
company’s website platform, we may ask for basic information, including your
name, gender, date of birth, contact phone number, address, email address,
photos, and any other data voluntarily provided by you.
When you specify a product delivery
service, we will request delivery information, including the recipient’s name,
contact phone number, delivery address, and other necessary delivery contact
When you engage in actual consumption,
we retain your financial data.
For necessary operations based on
market analysis, prize activities, member and customer rights notifications, or
providing other services related to or derived from the company’s website
platform now or in the future, we may request additional data.
According to the “Specific
Purposes and Categories of Personal Data under the Personal Data Protection
Act” issued by the Ministry of Justice, the types of personal data we
collect, process, utilize, and retain are as follows:
Personally identifiable information
(such as name, title, address, previous address, home phone number, mobile
phone number, account information for online platforms, communication and
household registration addresses, email address, and any other data that can
identify the individual).
Financial information (e.g., account
numbers and names at financial institutions, credit card or debit card numbers,
insurance policy numbers, and other personal numbers or accounts).
Identifiers in government records
(e.g., national ID numbers, passport numbers, etc.).
Personal descriptions (e.g., age,
gender, date of birth, place of birth, nationality, voice, etc.).
Family status (e.g., marital status,
names of spouses or cohabitants, names of former spouses or cohabitants, date
of marriage, number of children, etc.).
Details of other household members
(e.g., children, dependents, other household members or relatives, parents,
Residence and facilities (e.g.,
residential address).
Lifestyle (e.g., types of consumer
products used, details of services used, consumption patterns of individuals or
households, etc.).
Occupation (e.g., school principal,
elected representative, or other professions).
Income, earnings, assets, and
Agreements or contracts (e.g.,
agreements or contracts related to transactions, business, legal matters, or
agency, etc.).
Unclassified data (e.g., unclassified
letters, files, reports, or emails, etc.).
III. Purposes of Collecting Customer
We will only use your personal data
for necessary operations when providing product sales, financial transaction
authorization, logistics delivery, advertising and marketing, market analysis,
prize activities, member-related rights notifications, or other services
related to or derived from the company’s website platform and any future
We may use your basic information,
delivery information, and financial data when providing customers with product
sales, financial transaction authorization, logistics delivery, advertising and
marketing, and member-related rights notifications, among others. This may
involve our company, subsidiaries, cooperating financial institutions, and
collaborating partners.
We may use your basic information and
other data with your consent for market analysis, prize activities,
member-related rights notifications, and other related services within our
company or by other companies we commission.
According to the “Specific
Purposes and Categories of Personal Data under the Personal Data Protection
Act” issued by the Ministry of Justice, the specific purposes for which
our company collects, processes, utilizes, and retains your personal data
-Collection, processing, and
utilization of personal data conducted by non-governmental organizations as
required by law.
-Credit card, cash card, transfer
card, or electronic ticket business.
-Contract, similar contract, or other
legal matters.
-Consumer and customer management and
-Consumer protection.
-Business and technical information.
-Procurement and supply management.
-Ticket business.
-Intellectual property, CD management,
and other related administrative matters.
-Communications administration and
-Fundraising (including charitable
-Accounting and related services.
-Operation of communication business.
-Information and database management.
-Online shopping and other e-commerce
-Advertisement or business activity
-Investigation, statistics, and
research analysis.
-Other business items in accordance
with the business registration items or organizational regulations.
IV. Period and Region of Data
Unless otherwise specified by law, we
will generally use customer data within the scope authorized by you during the
company’s business existence period and within the serviceable area. We will
utilize customer data as necessary for the aforementioned service purposes.
V. Disclosure Recipients and Methods
of Customer Data
We will only use or disclose customer
personal data to third parties when it is necessary for operations, such as
consortium merchants of our company and third parties commissioned to handle
business-related matters (e.g., financial institutions, cooperating partners,
logistics providers, and other service providers), within the scope of the
aforementioned service purposes. Unless otherwise specified by law or with your
consent, we will not disclose your personal data to third parties other than
those mentioned above.
In cases of providing data to other
third parties, except with the customer’s consent, the following circumstances
may apply:
Necessary within the scope of specific
purposes mentioned above.
Utilization beyond the specific
purposes as provided in the Personal Data Protection Act.
Based on legal requirements or
requests from judicial authorities and other authorized agencies according to
statutory procedures.
To protect the legitimate rights and
interests of other members or third parties in emergency situations.
To ensure the normal operation of the
member service system.
Necessary information related to the
purchase, redemption of gifts, or participation in prize draws, etc., through
this service.
VI. Storage and Custody of Customer
Regarding the personal data you
provide, we have established strict regulations for information systems and
company operations. Anyone must process and use necessary data only under the
authorization regulations we have specified. Our data security measures
We use state-of-the-art technology to
safeguard your personal data. Currently, we use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) with
128-bit encryption for data transmission and install firewalls to prevent
unauthorized access to your personal data.
Additionally, to provide services that
better meet your needs, we use cookie technology to receive and record server
values on your browser, including IP addresses and cookies, for product updates
and network service optimization.
VII. Exercise of Customer Data Rights
According to Article 3 of the Personal
Data Protection Act, unless otherwise restricted by other laws, you have the
right to inquire about or request to view, supplement, or correct your personal
data collected by us, request to stop collecting, processing, or utilizing your
personal data, or delete the data.
If you wish to exercise your rights
under Article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Act, please contact our
company’s customer service center in writing, providing the following
The name of the person making the
The relationship with the data
Contact phone number.
Necessary documents to confirm your
After we have confirmed your identity,
we will process your request in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
VIII. Privacy Policy Changes and
We may update this privacy policy from
time to time due to business development, law and regulation changes, or other
related factors. We will announce the policy changes on the company’s website
We recommend that you regularly check
our company’s website platform for privacy policy updates to ensure that you
understand our latest privacy protection policies.
IX. Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns
regarding this privacy policy or the handling of your personal data, please
contact our company’s customer service center:
Customer Service Contact Information:
Thank you for your trust in
Everbrightness Intl. Ltd, and we will continue to improve our service to
provide you with the best possible online shopping experience.